あのセレブも!! 新型コロナウイルスの影響で減給に


Anna Winter Instagram
スクリーンショット 2020-04-14 23.14.26

そんなアナが、新型コロナウイルスの感染の影響によって、給料が20%カットされると米紙『New York Times』が報じました。

『VOGUE』『GQ』『Vanity Fair』などの雑誌を発行するコンデナスト社は、現在も多大な影響を与えている健康への危機的状態のなかにおいて、減給やレイオフの可能性があると発表。アナは減給となる幹部の1人なのだそう。


どんな時にもパーフェクトなコーディネートで知られるアナですが、最近はボーダーのニットにデニムというファッションをインスタグラムにアップ。あのアナが!! と大変な反響を呼びました。


????Anna Wintour on What She’s Grateful for Now: . “When life changes, you notice things in new ways. I’m sure we’ve all, for instance, become very aware of every inch of our homes in recent weeks. And I hope that you’ve discovered what it feels like to wear a face mask when you go out. As we are learning from health officials, this is one of the most important steps we can take to slow the spread of this virus. If you don’t have a mask, a simple fabric covering will do. Please follow this new guideline; it couldn’t be more important. Face masks, social distancing, weeks spent at home: everything about life feels different now. I think of the simple pleasures we once took for granted—like going to the theater, dinner with friends, coming into the office—and they seem to me like impossible luxuries. It’s true that this is a time of anxiety and sadness, and that there is more of both to come, but I also believe it’s a time of gratitude. I feel so grateful for the people whom I have been in touch with in recent days—friends and acquaintances that I have known for years but perhaps not kept up with as well as I should. As we’ve reconnected by email and phone and Zoom, I’ve been struck, again and again, at how open and unguarded everyone is, how grateful we are to talk. Isolation is a reminder that we need one another. I am grateful for a few other things too: Generosity most of all. I have been so moved by acts of philanthropy in the fashion community in particular, and, of course, by the many donors large and small who have supported A Common Thread, the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund we’ve created to help American designers in this challenging time. If you haven’t yet watched the testimonials these designers have been sending to Vogue, I urge you to. Listening to these incredible talents talk without pretense about w
hat they’re going through is a profoundly emotional experience. It reminds you that our fashion community is exactly that—a community of people, who need our help as never before.” (Source-Vogue.com✔️ part1) . . #annawintour #stayhome

Anna Wintour(@wintourworld)がシェアした投稿 –


????Anna Wintour on How the Fashion Community Is Mobilizing Against the Pandemic. ▫️”Speaking of positivity, I have been thinking a lot about the future these days—not just dreaming of the end of this crisis but trying to imagine all the ways it may change us. There is so much loss and sadness now, but I keep hearing from friends and family members by phone and FaceTime and I know these weeks of isolation are reminding us how important our human connections are. It will be impossible to take those connections for granted once this is behind us. And there’s creativity—which a pandemic cannot shut down. The power of creativity is something I think about watching the videos that American designers have been sending us in support of A Common Thread. Each of these talented designers speak so personally about what they’re going through, what they’re doing with the time they suddenly have on their hands, and how they’ve been reminded of what matters. Their stories impress upon me that this is a moment for reflection, generosity and a shared sense of humanity. I know that we have challenges ahead—and please can everyone remember to stay home and be safe—but I also know we can get through it together, and even find moments of joy along the way.” (Source-Vogue.com✔️) . . #annawintour

Anna Wintour(@wintourworld)がシェアした投稿 –
