過去に「世界一美しい少女」と称され、現在はモデルとして活躍しているのがティラーヌ・ブロンドー(16)やクリスティーナ・ピメノヴァ(11)。そして、新たに「世界一美しい少女」と賞賛される6歳の少女について「Mail Online」が報じました。
Anna Knyazeva Instagram

Kristina Pimenovaさん(@kristinapimenova2005)がシェアした投稿 –
Veronika Soubry Instagram

Hi guys ! I wanna have a lil talk about something today … I want to say first thank you , thank you for supporting me everyday and some of you since already 10 years .. I’m 16 years old I’m a human, i’m growing up and I’m learning who I am , I don’t want to grow up 2 fast …. yes I feel down sometimes like every human in this world…yes i’v got teenager problems and yes my parents are divorced and i’v been through hard moments .. ,so probably some people don’t like me , but I’m not going to change . If you don’t like me just unfollow me ….. . I just want to be me , be myself and show you what I like or don’t like , but at least people who support me from the beginning will never be disappointed… so I yes I have this boyish style , yes people said that I’m not skinny enough to be a model , it’s me I’m like this and everyone is different and i consider myself normal , beauty is random , so , yes I have boobs and yes I know that I’m not tall so what ?? I’m not smiling on pic ????maybe because I’m shy or I don’t like my smile .. finally I’m a normal kid .. I’m trying to be a strong lil woman , I’m trying to do my best , I’m working hard , I have a my own personality… i do sports , i play drums , piano , I’m creating my new brand , I’m trying to have time for fam and friends , I’m home schooled , im an actress and Im doing my job the best I can , and I Love it so much by the way I’m French ???????? and nooo I never ever had lip injections I’m born like this ????♀️ Now you know a little bit more about me I’m so thankful to those who trust me like my L’Oréal family , Lolita Lempicka, Michael Kors ,dolce , Ralph Lauren , and all the brands who make my dream come true ???? I’m so thankful to you guys to be here for me ,???? to the thylaners ????I’m thankful to the people I’m surrounded by everyday.. I’m so thankful to my mum for rising my life up every day and trying to keep me up when my teenager life is going upside down ???? and teach me everything…???????? With Love ❤️ ???? @sandrinegomezphotography
Thylaneさん(@thylaneblondeau)がシェアした投稿 –