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Novel alert ???? ???????????????? My brother! I love you for always being there for me. For always taking initiative and supporting me in ways I might never even be aware of because you are the type of awesome person who does things out of love not recognition. My little BIG brother! I am so excited for the success of your company @timelesseye ???????????? Your work has taken you to so many places around the world and you’ve done so many impressive projects but MOST importantly your vision is getting CLEARER every day because you are the type of person who prioritizes long term happiness over short term thrills — THAT is SUCH an unique and admirable quality. My brother, I want to raise you up for your love of family over all which is rarer and rarer to find these days as people are more often becoming the center of their own world. You’ve always operated with a no excuse policy when it comes to your family and no matter the time, place or convenience, you are always there. We love you beyond words and I only wish you true happiness fulfillment as you continue to grow and evolve into such a magnificent, expansive, outstanding human being. What a brother. What a friend. What a man. What a incredible SPIRIT!!! I’ve never met anyone like you and today let the whole world celebrate you. Wish my brother @cole_cook happy birthday y’all!!! We love you. I LOVE you!!! Now come downstairs for dinner! ????????????

Alicia Keysさん(@aliciakeys)がシェアした投稿 –
