今年3月、三子となる次女バーディー・メイ・ ジョンソンちゃんを出産したジェシカ・シンプソン(39)が、産後ダイエットに成功していたことが明らかになりました。
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ジェシカは自身のインスタグラムに「6か月で100パウンド(約45kg)減ったわ。そう、240パウンド(約109kg)あったの ???? バーディー・メイから離れての初めての旅はいろんな理由で感情的になっちゃう。でも、再び自分自身に戻れたことを誇りにも思うわ。不可能だと思えるときですら、もっと働くことを選ぶの」とコメント。
妊娠中は、足が異常にむくんだ写真をインスタグラムに投稿し、「何か治療法はある!? 助けて!!!!」と
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Jessica Simpson ❤️ Any day now! Heavily pregnant Jessica Simpson steps out during difficult third pregnancy that has seen her struggle with insomnia and bronchitis . Information by dailymail.co.uk ???????????? Her pregnancy has been far from easy, with Jessica Simpson battling insomnia, bronchitis, back pain and anxiety. But while she may be struggling, the end is in sight for the third time mom, who was seen for the first time in weeks on Tuesday. Dressed for comfort in tie-dye parachute pants, loose sweater and a black T-shirt, the 38-year-old was supported by her husband Eric Johnson as she attended an appointment in Beverly Hills. While Jessica's exact due date has not been revealed, there can't be long to go for the reality star turned fashion designer, who was thought to be around four months pregnant when she announced her happy news back in September. Jessica and Eric are expecting a daughter, a second girl to join six-year-old daughter Maxwell and son Ace, five, whom she shares with former NFL player Eric, 39. And the mom-to-be has shared her discomfort with her 4.5m Instagram followers. The blonde movie actress, who has starred in Employee Of The Month and Dukes Of Hazzard, shared that after battling bronchitis she is suffering from insomnia, anxiety and Sciatica pain but is trying her best to stay in good spirits. In a post from Saturday the Texas native said, 'After a month of sciatica pain, followed by 3 weeks of Bronchitis, I figured since my feet fit in my sneaks today. I needed to walk out a lot of anxiety!!' #jessicasimpson #jessicasim #jessicasimpsonshoes #jessicasimpsonbaby #jessicasimpsonstyle #jessicasimpsonmaternity #pregnant #pregnantstyle #pregnancy #pregnan #pregnancyannouncement #pregnancydiary #pregnantbelly #pregnantandperfect #pregnantlife #pregnantmom #pregnantmama #37weekspregnant #30weekspregnant #
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